Biomanomaterials:Biodistribution of NanomaterialsPharmacokinetic studiesStudy on the half-life of bloodconcentration
Tumor:Local tumor, Sentinel lymph node imagingTumor morphology,Tumor perfusionBlood oxygen saturation determination
Brain:Brain imagingBrain function monitoringBlood brain barrier research
Anatomy:Heart, Liver, Kidney, Spleen,Stomach and Intestines
Cardiovascular diseases:Angiogenesis, Atherosclerosis,Myocarditis, Thrombosis,Myocardial infarction, etc.
Synergistic treatmentOptoacoustic cavitationPhotothermal and Acoustic DynamicsOptoacoustic and Photochemistry
TomoWave Suzhou Medical Imaging
TomoWave Suzhou Medical lmaging was founded in Taicang, Jiangsu in November 2020. The headquarter is TomoWave Laboratories, Inc., founded in 2010 by Dr. Alexander A. Oraevsky, the father of biomedical optoacoustic imaging in the world, and is located in Houston, USA. TomoWave Suzhou was funded and incubated by Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute and Taicang Biomedical Industrial Park. After ten years of research and development, TomoWave has become a pioneer in the world's biomedical optoacoustic imaging technology. As a manufacturer of biomedical optoacoustic imaging, we are committed to the development and transformation of high-resolution, high-contrast, and high-sensitivity 3D optoacoustic tomography (OAT), transforming preclinical small animal imaging systems and clinical breast imaging systems in China.